Functional Medicine Consults Available Now

  • Gut Health

    The GI-MAP measures a variety of gastrointestinal microbiota. It detects microbial imbalance, microbes contributing to illness, and indicators of digestion, absorption, inflammation, and immune function. This test also includes an add-on for the leaky gut marker zonulin.

  • Food Sensitivities and/or Nutritional Deficiencies

    The IgG food sensitivities analyzes foods common in Western, Asian, and Mediterranean diets to determine food sensitivities which cause fatigue, mental fog, and bloating. The nutritional deficiency test evaluates a variety of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and other biomarkers to determine nutritional deficiencies and imbalances.

  • Toxins & Molds

    We are exposed to hundreds of toxic chemicals through products like pharmaceuticals, pesticides, packaged foods, household products, and environmental pollution. As we have become more exposed to chemical-laden products and to toxic chemicals in food, air, and water, we have been confronted with an accelerating rate of chronic illnesses like cancer, heart disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, chemical sensitivity, autism spectrum disorders, ADD/AD(H)D, autoimmune disorders, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.